Thursday, August 23, 2012

Christian Tiger School Album Launch 24/08/2012

Bombaada presents: Christian Tiger School, Third Floor - Album Launch.

These dudes play out some dank electronic hip hop vibez, that's the best way I can describe their sound. Usually performing with pretty decent energy levels showing off their whiteboyswag dance moves.

Venue: Fly On The Wall Studios, 18 Roeland Str.
Entrance: R40
Entrance and album combo: R60

Line up times:

8.00 - 9.00 REBEL CLEF
9.00 - 10.00 YOUNG SUPREME
10.00 - 11.00 WHITE NITE
11.00 - 12.00 O'LTAK
01.00 - 02.00 THE FROWN - JOZI

Previous Bombaada releases:
7FT soundsystem Meets Fletcher In Dub EP 
Big Space - Brown Bag EP 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

LEGGO! @ The Waiting Room w/ Terrence Pearce.

Cape Town's latest Thursday night hotspot Leggo! has been the heart of midweek entertainment for the DrumStepCPT Crew for the last couple of weeks. Every week residents Remi Gold and White Nite introduces a guest dj and this week they bring us Terrence Pearce.

Venue: The Waiting Room
Date: Thursday 23 August
Damage: R20

Bring your friends.